Two ways Now to Lift Up Jesus and Save Souls Without Breaking Reeds

America was designed to set Captives free even though God’s word reveals the enemy never lets his captives go free,  then what is the purpose of a true Christian Church? The first was understanding the symbols of the battle built before man was created and finding them in Egypt, close to where they have a …

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Battle Cry – We Don’t LOVE TRUTH and God Rejoices In It. The TRUTH that is.

Battle Cry is a publication produced by a great man who won many souls to Christ; amazing how his appointed time called home points to it is a wise man who wins souls. Before you judge me, know that the KJV served us and built America setting countless souls free from the clutches of the …

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Lifting the Veil – Raising the Curtain

This site and the others like it are here to reveal the message of God to the world the first bearer and bringer of light was turned against God by the congregation he was the last of the Angel’s created. Making him the youngest and most valuable as he revealed the value of the SON a covering for God who is Spirit,  God wore HIM to move among the congregation. Some of us are carrying him as well, …

Winnowing FanUpdate

A fan is used when beating the wheat the heavy grains fall below the fan and the chaff gets blown into the fire. No one likes the parts that cannot sustain us. This particular fan has a witness to its appearance there are 409 crop circles that make it up. 409 makes a great all-purpose …

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Guess Who’s Coming?UPDATED

Someone other than myself solved this one Bless their heart, Father.  Thank you for sending help. What he did was combine the North and the South sides and blurred the image to come up with the face found in the shroud. Time to start doing the peace plan God has always wanted for us.

America’s Money Will Become Like Dung

Our founding fathers are not to be confused with the man who slept with our mom or our spiritual father who led us individually to Christ. Those who like to be called fathers in the church and have nothing to do with our birth or our new birth are who Jesus was warning us about …

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Meet the Dreidel It’s been with us a long time.

It’s usually four-sided, like a pyramid. It can only operate properly one way. To make it work, the point must be down. If you were to flatten the end and not have it there,  it would not be operable and useless.  It’s essential to have a point on it. So what’s the POINT? You Tell …

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The Key Bridge to Heaven is not through Mary Land but through ONE sacrifice.

I found the number of people, 8, who were reported as casualties like a dark sentence. Interestingly, the number eight refers to Father and Son sitting face to face. There are fifty-five holes in the chainsaw blade times the two thrones or full circles, giving us the all-important clue of 2×55 = Psalm 110:1. Angels …

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A Common Theme – Blessings

Many of us have been blessed over the past 60-plus years to live in a country of freedom and wealth. Besides America, only England had holdings that rivaled the world. Those in the know know it was only because of our love of God’s word and our protection of Israel. Genesis 12:1-4 KJV (1)  Now …

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Complaining? Solution Rinse and Repeat.

Human nature tends to seek its own way while God desires us to conform to HIS. It’s called sweet surrender for a reason. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. God only does this for forty years not 2000. Sacrificing Jesus repeatedly like he never came the first …

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The Real Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

All Links open in new windows. The above image was done in Protestant England, where the head of the Protestant Church is located. It is the answer to Carl Sagans’ message sent into outer space. So you want to talk to intelligent life, try on your knees and call on Jesus. If you are sincere, …

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The Power of One to Win One

Adam sinned, and we all fell into darkness as evil began to take over our thought-life separation from God brings with it a hunger to know right from wrong. We strive to please God, and out of it, religions are born. While others ignore their conscience altogether, denying anything greater than themselves. Pay attention to …

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Living Parables Are All Around Us.

HONEY bees and their disappearance, the good bees go, and the killer bees coming up from the south remain behind.  They kill for their spirit queen, a demonic queen who has gone by many names from the beginning of time. Rome boasted 163 goddesses, not including the Greeks, who surpassed that number, and Athena and …

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Changing the Times and Seasons

Or Title it…”Taking the HOLY THINGS of God and making them worthless mockings.” Daniel 7:24-25 KJV (24)  And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. (25)  And he shall …

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