FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

★From SO4J-TV & Justin Peters ★ http://so4j.com & https://justinpeters.org ★So many churches these days Preach a: Worldly Man-centered pragmatic Shallow “gospel” that is focused merely on this life, & is CONTRARY to God’s Word VS the TRUE GOSPEL which is about the Good News of “REPENTANCE & FAITH in JESUS” (Mark 1:15). So many professing Christians lack Biblical Discernment as well. ★Professing Christians should be diligently SEARCHING the SCRIPTURES DAILY (Acts 17:11), & BE DISCERNING & COMPARE what you are HEARING from these False Teachers (&anyone, including us) along w/their False Prophecies (that are Mixed w/Truth in their Sermons),& Compare it w/God’s Word. Remember too, it’s not always what False Teachers say, it’s what they DON’T say. MANY seem to ONLY want to talk about “God’s Love” (along w/their: Money-talk, &/or Self-Esteem, or Pragmatic people-pleasing talk etc)– they are NOT at all preaching like: Jesus, Paul, Peter did when they would warn people & talk about: Sin, Hell, the Coming Judgment (John 16:8). Love is NOT merely giving people what they want, Love warns too of Danger, which is also what this video aims to do.

★This DVD is a resource that we, SO4J-TV, had the honor of producing w/JUSTIN PETERS: “CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER” aka: “A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT” DVD (8.5 Hours, 2 DVDs) which ends w/the true Gospel. This is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel/Charismatic movement. Justin’s teaches his excellent biblical eye-opening Seminar around the World that Exposes the Deceptions of the Prosperity gospel.

★”JUDGING— SHOULD CHRISTIANS JUDGE?” by Martha Mac ©SO4J-TV® “We are NOT to Judge a person’s MOTIVES (Matt 7:1), but we ARE to Judge a Fellow Believer’s & Teachers: FRUIT / ACTIONS (Matt 7:15-20, John 7:24,1 Cor 5:12-13, 6:1-20,1John 4:1); to make sure they’re NOT Teaching CONTRARY to GOD’S WORD,& that the ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE is CORRECT, for the Protection of Gods People, His Sheep (John 10). If a certain Bible Teacher continually Teaches error (re: Essential Christian Doctrine) after they have been warned by the Body of Christ of this Error— it would be very UNLOVING & BIBLICALLY INCORRECT if we, God’s People, didn’t lovingly WARN other FELLOW believers in Christ (like Jesus, Peter, Paul did) of these BIBLICAL ERRORS. We are to WARN others out of LOVE for the TRUTH (Eph 4:15, Jude 1:1-4) & for the ETERNAL SAFETY of God’s People, His Flock (Acts20:28-32,1 Pet5:2-4, John 10). We warn others of the DANGERS of these Teachings &/or False Teachers who are TEACH things that are CONTRARY to God’s Word— those who are keeping people Focused on this Life, on the BROAD PATH leading to Destruction (Hell) w/their: Vague Watered-Down-gospel of Half-truths, etc. It does NOT matter what the INTENTIONS or MOTIVES of these Ministers are either i.e. A False Teacher might be a WELL MEANING PERSON, who’s Agenda might NOT be out to Intentionally hurt God’s People. In fact they might believe 1000% that they are doing God’s Work. But whether they’re out to Deceive people on Purpose or Not, it doesn’t matter, as this False Teacher might be a Victim of Satan’s Lies himself— being that he is DUPED & DECEIVED! And there are many Ministers who are NOT doing what God’s Word Exhorts them to do and that is to GUARD the SHEEP (God’s People, His Flock) that has been ENTRUSTED to THEM. (Acts 20:28-32, 1Tim 6:20-21, 1 Pet 5:2-4). We are to Warn and/or Lovingly Correct any Bible Teachers out there who are saying things that are CONTRARY to God’s Word. Acts20:26-32; Gal1:6-9; 2 Tim2:17-18, Eph5:11, Ezek3:17-19. We should be VIGILANT & DISCIPLINED in our STUDY of GOD’s WORD (1Tim2:15) to be constantly SEARCHING & “EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES” (Acts17:11) closely to see if what we ourselves &/or a Bible Teacher is saying is TRUTH or not— OR is it TWISTING of the SCRIPTURE (whether deliberately or not)..If a Preacher is NOT Correctly Teaching Essential Christian Doctrine & is merely keeping people focused on this Life & on the Broad Path to Hell, OR they’re Prophesying Falsely (Deut13:1-18, Deut18:20-22), we are to “MARK THEM” (NAME the NAMES of Deceivers, of which Paul did 8 TIMES in 2nd Tim.(Rom16:17-18,Titus 1:10-14,1John 4:1, 1Cor14:29,1Thess5:21,John 7:24)
★Video & Graphics by ©SO4J-TV® 2015 by Rick Wagner & Martha Mac
★Video COPYRIGHTED By ©Justin Peters Min & ©SO4J-TV® Please do NOT Rip/Steal this video or upload any of Justin Peters Seminars on social media & more which is COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Instead Support these Gospel Efforts by sharing these videos from this channel. #SO4J

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Today is 2025-01-22

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