NUCLEAR WAR PROPHECY REVEALED!!! – Will Blow Your Mind! Part 1 of 3

Ukraine VS Russia, Israel VS Iran, WWIII, nuclear war, Uranium warheads, ICBMs, SLBMs, and mushroom clouds all detailed over 2,500 years ago in the Bible? No way! You would have heard about it, right? WRONG! See this brutal “end of the world” prophecy explained in a clear and concise manner for the first time ever! Guaranteed to blow your mind! No B.S. Intro music: Megadeth “Sweating Bullets”

This interpretation of Zechariah 5 was originally expounded upon by Michael Rood (A Rood Awakening). However, this particular video is TiborasauusRex’s commentary on this interpretation of Zechariah 5 based on his different perspectives of some of the details and thus some of the views in this interpretation may differ slightly from Michael Rood’s original interpretation. For more on this topic: listen to Zechariah’s Thermonuclear War CD by Michael Rood. It is very well done. The purpose of this video was to more effectively illustrate this interoperation of Zechariah 5 for those who are not familiar with the mechanics of nuclear delivery systems.

Also be sure to watch: The Great Secret of Solomon’s Temple, Raiders of the Lost Book, and the Jonah Code.

Today is 2025-02-23

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