Do miracles happen today? Hint: NO.

R. C. Sproul chimes in, truth be told if there is any sick among you let them call the elders of the church to lay hands and pray the prayer of faith over them. Those miracles happen.

Like Paul, I do not want to forbid the speaking in of tongues. The gift of tongues is a gift from God. People trying to teach it to you is not allowing it to be a gift but a deception, you may start speaking in ecstatic speech and the undiscerning will then tell you that you now have the HOLY SPIRIT. Let it be an intimate gift you seek and it will have more of an impact in your life when God gives the word to you in your prayer closet. You will know it was given to you by God and not someone pretending to know God teaching it to you.


Today is 2025-02-23

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