Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

For a limited time, you can get copies of this video on DVD for as low as 25 cents each. See http://store.livingwaters.com/video/t… for details. If it’s true that the Bible contains scientific facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them, the implications are staggering. These facts would be evidence that the Bible is the word of God, and its promise of Heaven and threat of Hell are therefore not to be mocked or ignored. “Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible” is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical truths—the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more. This is a powerful resource to encourage Christians, and to challenge the most hardened skeptic to take the claims of the gospel seriously. “Excellent! This video will captivate you.” -Jeff Seto, Aerospace Engineer & author. This video is a part of the Living Waters “Lightning Productions” resource line. This line is focused on creating simple yet powerful videos that can be used as effective evangelistic tools to reach the lost. The simplified nature of these new productions (in contrast to our higher budget and graphics-intensive movies) will enable us to produce more videos, and in a shorter amount of time. Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at http://www.LivingWaters.com


Today is 2025-02-23

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