The Fool: Why Ray Comfort Is Atheism’s #1 Clown | Full Movie

You look to the Scriptures and take consolation in how Joseph was humiliated before the time came when God opened a big door of opportunity for him, and how Moses was abased before God opened a big sea for him. You take comfort in knowing the principle of humiliation before promotion—that God often takes someone low before raising him up for His use. And that’s what happened when Ray Comfort was christened “Banana Man” by Professor Richard Dawkins. Millions came under the sound of the everlasting gospel, all because of that humiliating name: Banana Man. So if you’re afraid of looking foolish, this true story in “The Fool” will not only will encourage you and bring your fears into perspective, it will increase your faith in God and help you to see His wonderful hand in your own life.

Today is 2025-03-10

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